Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Have you experienced this???

Posted by Sukie Teo | 11:30 PM Categories:

Receiving goods that are less valuable than advertised? 
fake branded products? 
Goods significantly different from the original description?

Here's a video on Cheap Online Shopping Disasters. 
Have you experienced this? 
Kindly share your online shopping experience with us.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Online Fraud Alert

Posted by Sukie Teo | 6:32 PM Categories:
Based on Malaysia Computer Emergency Response Team (MyCERT) statistics, there is total of 3,257 fraud cases reported in the year 2015. 

According to a study by Telenor Group (2016), the most common internet scams in Malaysia are 'work from home' fraud (30%), Internet auction scams (22%) and Facebook password hacking (20%). The study also found that 1-in-5 people have fallen for internet auction scam. Moreover, average financial loss per person equivalent to RM7,050.

1. Mycert.org.my. (2016). MyCERT - The Malaysian Computer Emergency Response Team | Incident Statistics. [online] Available at: https://www.mycert.org.my/statistics/2015.php
2. Telenor Group. (2016). Asia’s Top Internet Scams and How to Stay Safe. [online] Available at: https://www.telenor.com/media/articles/2016/asias-top-internet-scams-and-how-to-stay-safe/