Monday, September 12, 2016

Consumer Protection (Electronic Trade Transactions) Regulations 2012

Posted by Sukie Teo | 7:23 PM Categories:
Consumer Protection (Electronic Trade Transactions) Regulations 2012 is a regulation under Section 150 of the Consumer Protection Act 1999.

A person who operates a business for the purpose of supply of goods or services through a website or in an online marketplace, we named it as “Online Seller”. Online Marketplace” means a website where goods or services are marketed by third parties for the purpose of trade. While “Online Marketplace Operator” means a person who provides an online marketplace. For example Lazada, 11street, eBay, Lelong, Zalora, Groupon etc. 

Disclosure of Information
Based on this regulations, online sellers need to disclose the following information on the website where their online business is conducted. Failure to disclose the following information is an offence
Section 3(3) stated that any person who discloses or provided any information as specified in the schedule that he knows or has reason to believe is false or misleading commits an offence

Rectification of errors and acknowledgement of receipt
The online seller shall
  • provide the appropriate means to enable the buyer to rectify any errors prior to the confirmation of the order made by the buyer; and
  • acknowledge receipt of the order to the buyer without undue delay

Maintenance of Record
Any online marketplace operator shall take reasonable steps to keep and maintain a record of the names, telephone numbers and the address of the person who supplies goods or services in the online marketplace, for a period of two years.  

"This regulation is a good move to protect online shoppers although online sellers may incur higher start-up and operation cost. In my opinion, it is a “win-win” situation. If online sellers are complying with this regulations, it will create a trust to online shoppers and boost their online shopping confidence thus it increase sales of online sellers. However, some of the requirements of this regulation are not clear. It does not specify what are the term and conditions should include on the website. It should avoid online sellers 
setting terms and conditions that unfavourable and not 
fair to online shoppers”.

Source: Consumer Protection (Electronic Trade Transactions) Regulations 2012 

1 comment:

  1. Just received my check for $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can earn filling out paid surveys online...

    So I took a video of myself getting paid $500 for doing paid surveys to set the record straight once and for all.
